Any use of technology within East Noble School Corporation must be consistent with the corporation's goal of inspiring, engaging, and empowering our students by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. Guidance and instruction will be provided and required for each individual granted access to a device through the school. The use of school accounts must be in support of education and research and must be consistent with the educational objectives of the school corporation.
East Noble's Board of Education has agreed to and adopted the East Noble School Corporation Student Responsible Use Policy, which outlines appropriate use of district-issued technology and devices. Additionally, students and parents must review and acknowledge their understanding of the following documents through the online registration process: the Student/Parent Device Agreement, the COPPA Form for Verifiable Parental Consent (Grades K-6), the FERPA Policy, and a document stating changes in our Lenovo laptop Accidental Damage Protection Policy. East Noble abides by the federal regulations set for the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in regards to protecting children's rights online. Information about these agreement forms and a list of sites East Noble uses under the consent agreement can be found on our COPPA page linked below:
Successful connected educational environments rely on connected educators! With the enormous amount of resources available through the internet, through devices, through applications, through social media, and many other sources, it is a full time job for teachers to develop their technology integration skills. East Noble School Corporation believes a connected educational environment is imperative for student success in school and life. To create this learning environment for students, it is also critical to provide support and training to teachers.
Upon initial implementation of a connected educational environment in January of 2010, ENSC teachers prioritized their needs and provided professional development for district educators. This peer led training was very impactful and addressed what teachers needed to begin our journey. However, those early trainings were not enough. As demonstrated daily, technology is constantly evolving and learning a few applications is not enough to engage students and is not sustainable. In the fall of 2011 when devices were placed in the hands of the students, true professional development began through the use of Technology Integration Specialists. These coaches are responsible for training, modeling, and researching technology use in the classroom. They are employed full time and arrange small group, large group, and one-on-one trainings during the teacher’s prep period, before school, after school, and during collaboration time. In addition, these staff members are also major contributors to Knight in Training, East Noble's online badging program for 24/7 professional development.
Every fall, the East Noble School Corporation Technology Department deploys nearly 300 iPads to kindergarten, and 300 laptops to fifth graders. Kindergarten iPads are distributed in the elementary buildings within classrooms and stay in the building for the first month of school so that basic device care and digital citizenship skills can be taught. Fifth grade Lenovo laptops are distributed in the elementary buildings within classes and stay in the building for the first few weeks of school so that basic laptop care and digital citizenship skills can be taught. Only students that are fully registered will be issued a device.
When laptops are distributed, students are given their laptop, along with a laptop bag and power adapter. The same equipment that is assigned to the student must be returned when the student returns the laptop. Students may use their own bags throughout the course of their stay at East Noble, but must return the laptop in the original bag upon leaving.
Each summer, East Noble steps into an exciting endeavor allowing all students with the exception of 4th graders to keep their devices.
On the last student day, students allowed to taketheir machines home. To ensure the successful implementation of this initiative, the following procedures have been put into place:
Laptop support will be available over the summer at the East Noble Transportation & Technology Center by calling (260)347-7180 and scheduling an appointment.
Support staff is available a few days prior to the start of school for students that wish to bring their machines in to update before school starts.
LAPTOP STORAGE: Students whose families do not wish to accept the responsibility of having the laptop over the summer have the option of turning in the machine at the end of the school year. However, parents who would like the school corporation to store their child’s laptop need to come to the East Noble Transportation & Technology Center with the machines immediately after school gets out and will receive a receipt stating the machine was returned. A parent or guardian must be the person to return the machine.
SUMMER TRANSFERS: Families who decide to leave East Noble School Corporation during the summer will be able to return the laptop at the East Noble Transportation & Technology Center or the East Noble School Corporation office at any time during business hours Monday through Friday. Families leaving the corporation and not returning the laptop will be charged the full replacement cost of the laptop.
ALERTS: Any student who performs inappropriate web searches over the summer and triggers Websense alerts will have their accounts disabled for the duration of the summer.
The date for picking up the machines that have been stored for families over summer is announced via school messenger.
To receive important information and reminders regarding East Noble Technology, parents and students are encouraged to follow our Twitter feed at @ENSCTech.