Tomorrow is the last day to send in for Basket Brigade. Anything is appreciated, even if it is not what your grade level was assigned. Thank you to all the families that have donated!
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Tomorrow (Friday) is flannel or cozy day to stomp out bullying.
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Tomorrow (Wednesday), wear blue to support anti-bullying and orange to be a buddy.
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Just a quick example of one single art project that our students have worked on. Mrs Chesebrough teaches around 700 kids between Avilla and North Side.
6 months ago, Jeff Harper
45 art
Don't forget, Avilla Honor Society is collecting items for Basket Brigade. Cash donations are also accepted. Thanks everyone!
6 months ago, Robin Peters
BB 23
Panthers, tomorrow (Tuesday) is crazy sock and/or crock day to stomp out bullying week.
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Join us next week as we Stomp Out Bullying
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Stomp out bullying
Great job Panthers!
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Next week Avilla Honor Society is collecting items for Basket Brigade. Please check to see what each class is collecting. Cash donations are also accepted. Thanks everyone!
6 months ago, Robin Peters
BB 23
Just a couple of Panthers who received blue tickets during art this afternoon. Way to go!
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Popcorn Fridays are coming from our PTO.
6 months ago, Robin Peters
We have some pretty cool Panthers to spotlight this week. Great job everyone!
6 months ago, Robin Peters
Avilla Families, please use this link to see our November newsletter:
6 months ago, Jeff Harper
Panthers that have been caught being kind, safe, or responsible recently. These are our random Friday drawing students. Many other Panthers were also caught this week.
6 months ago, Jeff Harper
Tomorrow (Friday) Be kind to your school-wear Avilla or East Noble Gear.
6 months ago, Robin Peters
day 5
Tomorrow (Thursday) Be kind to your body-wear exercise/athletic clothes
6 months ago, Robin Peters
day 4
Tomorrow, Wednesday, Be kind to others-wear orange to unite against bullying
7 months ago, Robin Peters
day 3
Hat Day tomorrow (Tuesday)!
7 months ago, Robin Peters
red day 2
Help us kick off Red Ribbon Week tomorrow (Monday). Wear red or an outfit you feel best in.
7 months ago, Robin Peters
red day 1
Here are just a few Panthers who have received a ticket this month. We are working on counting tickets and we are over 500 school wide so far this October. Keep it up Panthers!
7 months ago, Robin Peters